Thursday, February 26, 2009

form - a lack

wow. blogging changed in like three years. you people have themes. I feel compelled to conform. so now, there will be no lack a'form here. "monday, hot dog. tuesday, taco. wednesday, hamburgers and chocolate milk. thursday, sloppy joes and burritos in a bag. friday was pizza day, the best day of the week..." (these lyrics lovingly borrowed from the aquabats)
sunday... weekend report
monday... the mundane, the monotonous, and the merriment, and what the fuck it has to do with ME.
tuesday... time travel, teleportation, and prime time television
wednesday... wacky wandom quotes (but never from john heisman because his people will pop up outta nowhere like a virtual ninja and sue your ass if you didn't get permission first)
thursday... things I learned this week.
friday... free form
saturday... douglas adams day. don't panic and remember your towel.