Friday, February 27, 2009

arm a flock!

I couldn't pass this one up. it's too good NOT to share.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

things I thought I already knew, but learned this week

1. when it comes to leftovers, if they're not in the front of the fridge or the top shelf, I don't see them.

2. I honestly believe this stems from seeing ghostbusters too many times as a kid.

3. I don't like having big trees in front of my house, or near my window.

4. I'd like to have the tree out front chopped down before the leaves can tough the roof.

5. this weird thing started from seeing poltergeist too many times as a kid.

6. no matter how many times you tell a man something, he only hears what he wants to hear.

7. I'm sure there's a movie that coincides with that.

8. sometimes, moms who are in playgroups, really don't give a flying fuck about your kid, only theirs.

9. girl scout cookies are guilt free and contain no calories, because the money you are using to obtain them is considered a donation.

10. I *can* and *will* eat two boxes of tagalongs thinking that they have no caloric value.

11. yes. at one sitting. or while driving home from going to pick them up. if you can consider that a sitting.

12. technically, I'm sitting when I'm driving.

13. three-year-olds have a unique perspective on the world, and one should never discount anything a three-year-old has to say.

14. it's really hard not to giggle when they say "shit titties," but really are trying to say "six fishies."

15. people with loud mouths and adhd should not be allowed to take language classes, especially when they already know everything in the class material.

16. I am taking spanish for the easy a.

17. I am also realizing how much spanish I've forgotten since high school.

18. I get easily annoyed by loud people with adhd.

19. I should rephrase, because it's more or less the "adults" who annoy me more than a child.

20. lab classes with a loud mouth who has adhd is a bad, bad, bad thing.

21. when it comes to a lab class in geology, it is considered polite to share the rocks.

22. apparently, my redirection skills come in handy in geology lab skills with loud-mouthed people who have adhd, because I think I moved that god damn box of rocks 17 times back to the middle of the table.

23. it has just dawned on me that the way I deal with loud-mouth adhd adults can be construed as condescending. but really, I'm not treating them much different than a child, so I fail to see the real link there.

24. taking psychology online has its disadvantages. like being boring.

25. taking psychology online has its advantages. like being able to get 100% on every quiz because of a glitch that only occurs with firefox.

26. I heart firefox!!!

27. taking english online is meh. it is not bad, it is not good, it just is.

28. I think that if someone who does not already have a decent grasp of the english language were to take an english class online, that person might have problems.

29. husbands exist solely for insurance purposes. this must be so, as mine has not taught my son anything but bad habits. like the word "ain't" and how to chew his nails. and trust me, the sex has gone downhill since conception, and should therefore not be considered a purpose.

30. ducks and geese should not eat bread, or anything with yeast.

31. a 50 lb bag of poultry feed costs 15 bucks.

32. I have no idea where to hide a 50 lb bag of poultry feed so that a certain someone doesn't get upset for me spending 15 fucking dollars on something to make a difference, one small ducky at a time.

33. but apparently it's okay to eat fast food every day. that money doesn't count as not well-spent.

34. I'm buying the fucking duck food anyway.

35. there is no dana, only zuul.

form - a lack

wow. blogging changed in like three years. you people have themes. I feel compelled to conform. so now, there will be no lack a'form here. "monday, hot dog. tuesday, taco. wednesday, hamburgers and chocolate milk. thursday, sloppy joes and burritos in a bag. friday was pizza day, the best day of the week..." (these lyrics lovingly borrowed from the aquabats)
sunday... weekend report
monday... the mundane, the monotonous, and the merriment, and what the fuck it has to do with ME.
tuesday... time travel, teleportation, and prime time television
wednesday... wacky wandom quotes (but never from john heisman because his people will pop up outta nowhere like a virtual ninja and sue your ass if you didn't get permission first)
thursday... things I learned this week.
friday... free form
saturday... douglas adams day. don't panic and remember your towel.

alack form

sometimes, I've noticed that setting up blog layouts to my liking can be a bitch and a half. it's kind of odd, because I see it as a slightly artistic thing. it is not every day that I feel the need to artistically express myself. yet, I firmly believe that I should find my blog appealing in that sense.

thus far, I find the template options lacking. and for some reason, my remembrance of html is also lacking. thusly, my form is off.

no capitalization aside from I, you ask? that's right. it's an artist/writer thing. I don't expect those without a clear understanding to understand.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

lacko fram

hai. this is only the beginning. with luck, never ending, until I've pissed my pants laughing.